"Thanks so much for taking the time to help us walk through the last few years of ministry. We have to admit we had lost sight of God in the midst of all the struggles. Your helping us build a time line of the last few years really helped us see more clearly God’s working in and through us. Thanks for your hospitality and open hearts to just listen and direct us to God."
"What a week! Our family spent the last 9 days in Florida attending a missionary debrief conference “Radiant Life” through Excelling Leaders. It was a week we didn’t know we needed but are thankful the Lord knew we did. We processed through some of the best and hardest times we’ve experienced not only on the mission field but in marriage and life as a whole. We cried more than we thought we would and laughed till our bellies hurt. We were challenged as a family, as a couple, and as individuals. We met friends who became like family and had conversations with people who “had been there”. We left not only feeling refreshed and inspired but reminded-that we aren’t alone on this journey”.
“Each missionary or full time ministry worker will experience loss of some sort whether it is missing something important in your home country or not seeing much fruit from your labors. This retreat helped our family walk through our losses and find healing, which in return gave us the strength to keep on serving or faithful Lord. This retreat was also very special to us in that it helped us process the loss of needing to suddenly leave the country we were serving in. This was a great loss for us and our children. The radiant life retreat helped us to process and work through this process of grief.”
Radiant Life Retreat Center on Three Mile Lake
40764 62nd Avenue, Paw Paw, MI 49079 269-913-4142 [email protected] |